Wearers of glasses place them on different spots on the nose. Depending on the purpose of the glasses some place them rather closer to the eyes and others like to place them on the nose where they...
Category: Beginner Info
When your contact lenses do not sit in place the curvature of your lenses (BC or base curve) does not fit well with the curvature of your eye. This can cause the lens to stay in a decentered position...
Opticians refer to hospitals when an abnormality is noticeable during the eye exam. Those abnormalities can be: A reduced visual acuity in a short time framePeculiar statements/problems of the...
For a lot of practitioners, the gold standard for correcting Keratoconus was a rigid gas permeable lens for decades. But with improvements of materials and research, you will learn in this article...
Contact lenses tear because of less ideal conditions on the eye or when they get handled. Contact lenses typically tear easier when the water content evaporates over time and the lens material itself...
Hard contact lenses can wear out. The lens surface as well as the shape of the contact lens may change over time. As the materials improved over the years used with hard (RGP) contact lenses have...