The causes why your progressive lenses are blurry is either a false measured power of your lenses or the lenses are not centered correctly in front of your eyes.
This sounds pretty simple. Welcome to the world of progressive glasses we will go into detail about what could cause blurry vision. After you read the article I want you to be able to get a better understanding of what causes the problems.
Blurriness in Every Progressive Lens by Its Design
Ok, the headline describes this fact in a drastic way but every lens has blurry fields. You can find these blurry fields pretty easily. They are found in the lower part of the lens if you perform eye movements to the left and to the right. The middle part of progressive lenses should be perfectly sharp from the distance to near vision.

Especially in the beginning wearers of their first progressive glasses tend to look through the blurry fields. The more experience they gain the more they adjust their body to see sharp in every distance. However, in this article, we will discuss the causes that do not go away because you can adjust to them. We are talking about blurry faulty glasses that stress you out.
Engravings – If They Are Oblique, Blurriness Will Occur
Every progressive lens hast its engravings. When you know where to look you can find them by holding the lens against the light. They are 35mm apart from each other. You have them on the left and on the right of the lenses. You can see if the lenses are tilted. This means the whole points for you to look through are way out of the center. Just look for two identical circle-like structures in the material. they should be exactly on one level in each lens. If they are not you need to get your head into funky positions to be able to read.

What Happens If Progressive Lenses Are Too High?
If lenses are fitted too high you need to put your chin way down and look through an area that is actually higher than where you actually would look through. Just look in the distance to verify if your lenses are too high. Focus on a license plate that is approximately 30 feet away from you. Are you able to see it clearly or do you need to “find the sharp area” by putting your chin down. If you need to put your chin down lenses are too high.
What Happens If Progressive Lenses Are Too Low?
If lenses are too low you will have a hard time reading with the glasses. If you are even able to find the reading you really need to put your chin up. By tilting your head in this unnatural position you may be able to read but in only in a very tensed way.
If you have a bigger difference in your left and right prescription it can even cause double vision because of prismatic effects.
If Your Progressive Glasses Have the Wrong Pantoscopic Tilt Your Vision Will Get Blurry
As in the short clip presented as soon the lenses dorp out of their optimal angle they were fitted in your vision suffers. You get blurry vision. In some cases, you can not even find the reading part because it is actually not there anymore. If lenses are refitted at the right angle you are able to see clearly again.
What Happens If the Pupilar Distance (Pd) Is Too Big?
If PD is too big the reading zones can not be used simultaneously. Depending on how big the PD was fitted you may be getting a tiny area out of the lenses where you could read. If the PD is really out of place and too big you can just use one eye at a time to read and by doing that you need to rotate your head to the left if you want to read with the right eye and vice versa with the left eye.
Besides the fact you can not read properly because of the blurriness headaches will occur because of the prismatic effects. Your eye muscles need to work harder to compensate for the wrong centration.

What Happens If the Pupilar Distance (PD) Is Too Small?
If your PD was fitted to small reading zones in your progressive lenses sit too narrow in front of your eyes. So just by looking at a book, it is blurry. If PD is way out of your center you can not see clearly in close range simultaneously with both eyes. You need to close one eye at a time. Check if your PD is too small with this simple test. Close the left eye. If you need to rotate your head to the right to see clearly your PD was fitted too small.
Why Do You Need to Rotate Your Head Otherwise You See Blurry?
When looking to the side sharpens your vision the lenses as a whole got probably misplaced. This happens when the optician made his centration looking sooking at you slightly from aside. And you were looking in his direction but just with your eyes. As rather than looking straight ahead and experience sharp vision you need to rotate your head. (otherwise, your vision stays blurry)
Are Your Progressive Lenses Blurry in the Distance and Sharp in the near Range?
When that happens your lenses needed a slight adjustment for the distance (In most cases -0,25D). This happens because the eye testing happens in the room. And in a room, you are only looking as far as the wall stands (Which is a few feet). Outside you are looking at other distances. For most people, these slight differences are barely noticeable. Some people are really irritated especially when vision at night gets blurry. The real distance was not tested to the max. We in our shop tend to go outside with our clients to see if a slight adjustment would make any difference. But you can also make these tests indoors oftentimes with green and red colors.

Progressive Glasses and Issues with PC Screens.
First of all normal progressive glasses are not made to be used for long hours of PC work. The area for the PC Screen is extremely limited and if your PC is sitting on the same level as your head you need to raise your chin and lean back with your head to see sharp. That is not a good position to work in. If you are new to progressive lenses and your eyes can still adjust to the computer screen so you are able to sit in a comfortable natural position that is fine. But as soon as you recognize you need to leave those positions you should reach out to your optician for computer glasses.
However, if we are talking about PC work and you are using a laptop you can enlarge the design of the progressive lens a little bit in the area which is necessary to focus on the pc screen. That is a longer design. Usually, when the lenses are ordered you could choose between short, medium, and long. If you are using a short lens the area is for the screen is very tiny and practically hard to use in the distance for the computer screen. In short, it gets blurry really fast especially on the side of the lenses.
Laying down and Watching Television Will Cause a Blurry Screen
If you lay down, the vision tends to go through the bottom of the lens and that is the part for with the reading power. To get rid of the blur while you are watching TV in a relaxed position you should get an additional pair of single vision lenses so you can get in whichever position you want to watch TV. Otherwise, you need to sit straight or the screen stays blurry.

There are even more parameters that can make your vision blurry. But too much information here would just blow up the article and I just wanted to answer “what could make your vision blurry” in a short way.
Thank you for reading
Best regards Mike