Experience with the Bausch & Lomb INFUSE/Ultra One Day

This article is about our experience with the Bausch and Lomb INFUSE contact lens. This is also sold in other countries under the name Bausch and Lomb Ultra one day.

However, this experience report with the Bausch and Lomb lenses is not only about classic sales arguments but about real experiences. The Bausch and Lomb Infuse is a high-end one-day contact lens that has many positive reviews on the net. It did not convince us during the wear test.

The foreign body sensation was in combination was not significantly better or worse than with other lenses for most wearers. It was shocking that the Bausch and Lomb left strong marks on the eye, which were only made visible with a contrast agent. Such a thing should not be, because here the metabolism of the cells on the eyes can not run unhindered.

In the long run, such imprints can lead to an undersupply and promote the sprouting of red veins in the cornea. Unfortunately, this can happen with any soft contact lens, but with the Bausch and Lomb INFUSE/ Ultra one day the imprints are definitely more common than with other contact lenses.

in the picture you can see the typical imprints caused by the Bausch & Lomb Infuse/Ultra one day.

Experience With the Bausch & Lomb INFUSE/Ultra One Day

We always test contact lenses in the same environment. 28% humidity and air conditioning is definitely not the optimal environment for contact lenses. But this environment shows very quickly how lenses perform on many eyes. In the pictures below you can see the Bausch and Lomb INFUSE / ULTRA one day under the normal microscope on the left. On the right side, however, the condition of the eye was documented after the Bausch and Lomb infuse was removed.

The magnification is not set extremely high. However, red veins can be seen in the transition area from the white conjunctiva to the transparent cornea. In addition, after about 8 hours, our subject described that the foreign body sensation was becoming unbearable and that the lenses were pressing. In fact, the contact lenses were also sucked in.

In the right image, fluorescein was used to visualize the cellular defects caused by wearing the Bausch and Lomb Ultra. We also saw these impressions to a much lesser extent with the Dalies Total one contact lens.

What bothers me personally as an optician is that these products are often sold with the statements you can wear them for 16 hours and eye health is given in any case. Especially if the lenses are sold over the Internet and never an optician or ophthalmologist has ever made a proper control. But that is not the case. I do not want to represent the Bausch and Lomb INFUSE/Ultra one day here generally as a bad lens.

It is just not suitable for every eye. And many eyes will show these marks.

How Long Should You Wear the Bausch & Lomb INFUSE/Ultra One Day?

The wearing times for this contact lens vary from eye to eye. They can range from a few hours to most of the day. However, the standard for the wearing time is not the foreign body feeling or the dryness feeling of the wearer himself but the result of the night control by a conscientious optician or ophthalmologist.

If already after a few hours impressions are to be seen then the contact lenses should be simply taken out and the time is reduced so long until no impressions are to be seen. For one person this means that the contact lenses work for two hours while for another person 16h a day is no problem.

The reason for the mandatory follow-up is that even an ill-fitting aspirated lens does not have to cause a foreign body sensation. In many cases, a too tightly fitting contact lens even feels very comfortable, as it moves little or hardly at all and thus does not produce any foreign body sensation.


The Bausch and Lomb INfuse or Ultra is a contact lens that I personally have not had a good experience with. Many of my optician colleagues have had very good experiences with these contact lenses. If you wear this lens and you have dry eyes, it would be my personal recommendation to choose Ortho K lenses over Bausch and Lomb Inuse/Ultra.

Because the vast majority of people simply have drier and more irritated eyes after a few hours, despite the newly developed material kalifilcon A. If nothing is on the eyes as with an Ortho K lens will accordingly no foreign body feeling. However, if you are interested in the Bausch and Lomb Inuse/Ultra one day, you should try the lens and have it checked by an optician. It will become clear how good the lens is for your eyes.

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